When I walk into a room at someone’s house, my eyes often spy a number of ways that they could be saving money just based on the items in the bathroom. Here are ten money-saving tips to reduce spending on regular bathroom usage.
Toilet paper Buy it in bulk from your local warehouse store, then know how to minimize usage. It only takes a few sheets to do the job, so when you use big wads of it, you’re basically flushing money down the toilet.
Toilet tank Take a 20 ounce soda bottle, fill it with water, then drop it into your water tank mid-flush. The tank will fill up as normal, but will be holding 20 ounces less water. Each time you flush thereafter, the tank will dump less water into the bowl. Most bowls are designed to be larger than necessary for domestic use, so this little trick can save many gallons of water a month without any change in lifestyle, trimming the water bill.
Shower Install a low-flow shower head - or at least an adjustable one - and stop dumping water down the drain. I generally use a pretty light water flow for washing everything except for my hair - all I need to do is wet myself down, then scrub without the water, then just rinse myself off. There’s little need for strong water flow for that.
Soap Buy soap in large bundles - this is one product that you can save a ton of money on by buying years’ worth at once. I’ve purchased 24 packs of soap in the past and used them for a very long time, reducing the cost per bar to less than half over buying individual ones.
Laundry At home, I typically use one towel for every two showers. I’m essentially just wiping clean water off of my clean body, so the first time around I just hang the towel on a towel rack. This reduces the bathroom laundry by half.
Toothbrushes Never, ever throw away an old toothbrush - and you likely shouldn’t buy one, either. At each visit, my dentist gives me a new toothbrush, which I use until the next dentist visit. I then keep the old ones for other uses - toothbrushes make very effective cleaners in tight places.
Hand soap Buying hand soap in large containers and then just refilling the smaller dispensers when they empty is substantially cheaper than just tossing an empty container and buying a new one. Buy a big jug and you’ll likely have a year or two worth of bathroom hand soap.
Toilet bowl cleaner Never buy store-bought toilet bowl cleaner unless you have exceptionally hard water. Instead, just sprinkle some baking soda all over the inside of the bowl, add a little white vinegar, leave it for a few minutes (it’ll foam a bit and such), then scrub it down with a toilet brush and flush it. No blue water, either.
Razors If you’re a guy and are using disposables or an electric razor, take a serious look at shaving with a traditional safety razor. Over the long run, they’re cheaper than both the electric razor and the disposable razor and I feel they give a better shave once you’re used to them.
The sink Master the fine art of using the plug. Instead of letting the water run while brushing your teeth or shaving or washing your face, instead just plug the drain, let enough water run so that your needs are met by the water in the basin, and do your thing. When you’re done, just let the water out. By letting the faucet run while brushing or doing similar tasks, you waste a substantial amount of water.